7 Books to Help You Scale Your Business


Whether you are a seasoned business owner or are just starting out, investing some time in learning from the experts is a must. Reading is without a doubt, one of the best ways to learn new things and gain inspiration as you grow your business, no matter the industry. These seven books have without a doubt motivated and inspired me as I have grown The Confidant Collective. I highly encourage you to pick up one, or a few of these books this year! You will be glad you did.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey

7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

This is a book that I read the first time in middle school and again in college, both times as part of assignments for a class. It is worth reading every few years to refresh and remind yourself of the principles of success and integrity both in life and in business. Stephen Covey knows what he is talking about, which is why this book is a consistent best-seller, especially in the world of personal development. Bring it with you to the beach for some powerful summer reading. You can’t go wrong!

Goals by Brian Tracy

Goals - Brian Tracey

I would be lying if I said this book didn't change my life because it did, from the inside out. The first time I picked up Tracey’s book it was given to me by a business professor at Westmont College. For reference, I was NOT a business major, but had some extra credits my final semester and may or may not have lied my way into a class I had no prerequisites for. ;) That class changed my life and opened me up to the possibilities that were ahead, especially as it related to management and business. 

I revisited the book right after graduation, during a time when I had no idea what was ahead career-wise, and gave it a second read. I took every word to heart. I journaled, wrote everything down, and took every piece of advice that was offered in that book. In fact, I still use his system for goal setting each year with an annual visual goal-setting and mood board exercise. So much of achieving a goal is putting them to paper and talking about them with trusted friends and advisors. You will be amazed by what occurs when you create the space for dreams and ideas to grow.

Best Books to Grow Your Business

Compassion by Henri Nouwen

Compassion by Henri Nouwen

While this book isn't directly about business, it taught me more about values and answered questions about the "why" behind what we as business owners do! Every business of course has a different "why" as for me and The Confidant Collective, the deepest principle behind our mission is supporting others and helping in a direct and applicable way so that our clients can focus on serving others with their own products and services. In a world that is harsh and rough around the edges, never forget the role that compassion plays in your conversations and business practices. 

The Power of Habit Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg

So much of growing a business revolves around creating good habits. Habits create consistency and consistency helps a business evolve and expand. Duhigg’s writing and advice will bring you back to the basics as it dives into the psychology of habit formation and how you can foster healthy habits that create discipline. Every business owner, especially new business owners, should pick up this book. 

Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less Michael Hyatt

Free to Focus - Michael Hyatt

So much of running a business revolves around productivity and balance. This book will help you put in place an effective system to spend your time, energy, and efforts wisely. Running a productive and effective business isn't just about getting everything done. It is about getting the right things done and setting structures in place that work to check off the boxes in a way that makes sense. If you are in a place of feeling like there is too much to do and you are simply spinning your wheels, this book will give you the inspiration you are looking for to work smarter, not harder.

Dream Big Bob Goff

Dream Big - Bob Goff

This book puts in perspective passion, purpose, and how your career can help you accomplish your goals and life according to your values. This book will help determine more clearly the purpose behind your business. While it is important to focus on what you provide to customers and clients, it is more important to have a strong sense of purpose behind what you do. When you do, work will never feel like work!


On Managing Yourself-Clayton M. Christensen

This is an excellent read for business owners and those stepping into a management position. It features excerpts from incredible authors and management experts like Peter Drucker. I picked this up at an airport while traveling for business and read the entire thing over the course of two flights. It will absolutely help you reset and think critically about effective management and balancing your life and your business. Even if you think you have it on lockdown, this book offers excellent wisdom from the best of the best when it comes to all things management.

Have other favorite books on business development and management? Let me know! I would love to connect with you. Click here to connect. 


WorkDevon White