Bad Marketing Habits for Your Business


Bad marketing is unfortunately something I talk about frequently with new clients who have recently left their old marketing agencies. I do a lot of cleaning up here at The Confidant Collective. From poorly created websites, incorrectly set up email automations, design errors, and poorly designed ad strategies, there is no shortage of bad marketing advice being given these days. I have put together a list of habits to avoid when marketing your business. This will make sure you have what you need to make informed decisions about how to spend your marketing budget on strategies that work. Interested in working together? Click here to get in touch with me directly! I would love to learn more about you and your business.

Stop Pretending You Don’t Need a GOOD Website

Websites are absolutely essential to the success of your business. Without one you can look unprofessional, unorganized, and even worse, difficult to find. With that said, not just any website will do. You need a website that is thoughtfully designed to cater to your unique target audience; one that is designed with user experience in mind to ensure that you are converting leads, making connections, and selling your product or service. Don’t rely on social media or word-of-mouth marketing alone. Are those things important? Absolutely! They are even essential to the growth of your business, but you can’t rely on just one of these puzzle pieces to scale your business for you. Invest in a website that is going to help you grow. If you want to see results, you need to start here.

Make Sure You Are Collecting Reviews

So often I see clients who run successful businesses and have been doing so for years, but they have never integrated a system for asking clients and customers for reviews. This is a huge disservice to you and your business. Reviews add an element of social proof that makes all the difference. Don’t skip this step or put it off. I have specific recommendations and an amazing system for collecting reviews, showcasing them, and increasing organic SEO that helps you land more sales and potential clients. Click here to get in touch with me so we can talk about how to best integrate this into your business.

Stop Focusing on the Wrong Metrics

This one can be a hard habit to break! Whether you are selling a product, a service, or an experience, your bottom line goal is to increase sales. Don’t overly focus on the wrong details. For example, having tens of thousands of followers on Instagram is great, but is it necessary? In many cases, no. You might even find yourself generating sales and clients with only a few hundred engaged followers. I work with clients all the time to help them organically grow their social media following & engagement, because it does make a difference, but don’t fall into the habit of determining success by how many followers you have. Focus on the marketing strategies that are generating sales for you. Think bigger than just one avenue of marketing, or isolated metrics that don’t really mean anything. It is more important to analyze growth over time and prioritize the strategies that are working. Don’t let your arbitrary view of success get in the way of growth.

Never Stop Evolving Your Strategies

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving tool that you can use to your advantage. Refuse to stop learning, growing, and trying new things. So often I see business owners get stuck in their ways. They share that social media used to sustain their sales and bookings, but it doesn’t perform as well as it used to. They continue to put all their time and energy into this one avenue of marketing that used to work, spending time and valuable resources without seeing results. Keep in mind that algorithms change on social media and that can change how often your content is being seen. That is why it is so important to own your corner of the internet with your own website. Algorithms may change, but your website can be a constant traffic driver for you.

I see clients come to us who do occasional email marketing newsletters, but they are hesitant to explore the world of SMS marketing, or automation which provides businesses with an opportunity to better engage with their online community. If something isn’t working like it used to, don’t force it. It is likely still an important piece of your marketing plan, but there are absolutely other marketing efforts that can help scale your business more effectively. On that same note, don’t become hesitant and wary of new features and technologies that you can use to your advantage. Digital marketing evolves. Make sure you evolve with it.

If you are in need of a customized marketing strategy that will help you generate high-value leads, click here to book your intro call with The Confidant Collective. I am here to help!


I look forward to talking with you soon!
-Devon, Founder & Head Marketer at The Confidant Collective

Devon White